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Is It Possible to Lose Weight While You Sleep?

Contrary to what many people think, sleep is not an inactive state. During sleep our bodies are doing lots of important workβ€”repairing cells and tissues, restoring full, healthy function to our immune system, consolidating memories and rebooting the neural cells and networks of the brain. We’re burning calories the whole time. For a 150-pound person, the estimated calorie burn over a 7-hour night of rest is just over 440 calories. That’s a 40-minute jog on a treadmill! Getting plenty of high-quality rest is an importantβ€”and still overlooked– factor in weight control. Here are some of the ways you can harness your sleep routine and your overnight rest to help your body burn more calories and stay metabolically healthier. Activate your...

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Tips to reduce eye strain from phones, tablets

As you read this article, you might be experiencing eye fatigue, blurred vision, headaches, neck pain, or dry eyes - but don't blame us! These symptoms are actually quite common and are a result of digital eye strain, which not only occurs while sitting at a computer but also as we stare at our seemingly constant companions: smartphones and tablets.Eye strain from our digital devices affects most of us, as more than four out of five Americans spend time in front of a computer or on their hand-held devices. In fact, if you spend two or more continuous hours in front of a digital screen each day, you are most at risk for a condition known as computer vision syndrome.According...

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The 5 Step Eye Massage

Have two minutes? Take a little break to soothe your eyes with an eye massage. If you work on the computer for an extended period of time, or do other detailed work, you probably find that your eyes get tired before the day is done. Self-massage relieves tired eyes by increasing circulation to the eye area. STEP 1: Keeping your eyes closed, use your middle finger to massage the eye-socket bones and down to the bridge of the nose. Repeat 8-10 times. STEP 2: Press on the the pressure points just under the brow bone below the inner eyebrows and count to 3. Then press at temples and do the same. STEP 3: Β  Using your thumbs, gently press on...

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